Just my thoughts down on "paper"
Petrified Daydreamer
Petrified Daydreamer

Petrified Daydreamer

“I am doing exactly what the Father destined for me to accomplish, so that the world will discover how much I love my Father. Now come with me.” ~ John 14:31 (TPT)
Petrified Daydreamer

In this part Jesus has been telling his disciples lots of good things leading up to this point. At that moment he is telling them that soon he will go be with the Father because the ruler of the this dark world is coming and has no power over him. He is also expressing to them that he is doing what he was called to do. Rarely did he give them down time and if you remember what happened in the garden when he did give them time, they fell asleep, multiple times. He ends this by saying good things to them and instead of giving time to reflect on the teachings, it is instantly on the MOVE! Because that is what he is always doing, on the move!

Jesus never told them that he had been thinking about what the Father destined him to do. He said he is doing it. Thinking about what God wants us to do is NOT what He wants. Yes thinking about how to do it properly for His glory is a good plan for sure. Doing what he is calling on you is what he wants.

I recently saw and image on a social media platform (can’t remember which one) where it showed Jesus being tacked on the cross with a bunch of people standing around with bubbles (comic strip dialog) with a bunch of excuses like, “I need my job, I was told to do that by my boss, I need to feed my family, How will I survive?” All of those things will be taken care of by Him, but that is easier said than done. Valid concerns for us puny humans. Even I have them and have them right now.

See, God has put a call on my life. Not that he didn’t before, but now a new call going a drastic different way. Either it is a new call or finally I am still enough to actually hear the call that I should have 25 years ago. I daydream about this call. I think about it when I wake, in my quiet time, while at work, and even before bed. But where I fail at this, is that I fail to act even in the smallest way. I stand right at the terror of the unknown knowing full well that on the other side of that terror is nothing but blessings for His glory, and yet I am petrified to make the move.