Just my thoughts down on "paper"
Online Presentation Tools
Online Presentation Tools

Online Presentation Tools

  • SlideShare: A very popular tool for sharing Powerpoint presentations and more, online, or embed them in your blog or website.
  • ZohoShow: Kind of similar to Powerpoint, but free, and online.
  • GlogsterThis link will take you right to Glogster’s Basic (free) plan for Educators. 
  • Fotobabble: Create talking photos with Fotobabble! I haven’t tried this yet, but I here’san example of a Fotobabble talking photo by”Becky4477″  – looks like a simple tool for adding as voice-over to pictures (they have a free iPhone app too).
  • Prezi: With Prezi, you create graphical presentations that you can easily zoom in and out of, to “get the big picture”, or “drill into the details”.
  • Voki: The idea behind Voki is to use a talking avatar to make your presentation. Click here to read a post about Voki that includes a video demonstration of the creation of a Voki avatar.
  • Vuvox: I had a lot of fun creating this music video with the help of Vuvox last year, and selected it as the first app we covered in the workshop. You can add text, pics, and embedded “hot links”, over a bed of music, to make your scrolling presentation.
  • OneTrueMedia: We took this one for a try this week – definitely easier to use than Vuvox(but I was also a little dissapointed by some of the limitations in the free version).  

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