Just my thoughts down on "paper"


Recently I fished this life changing book. Ordered it for no real good reason other than it popped up on my Amazon feed when I ordered another book by Batterson. When I got the books in the mail for some reason this is the one I started with. The tag line was so captivating and very true. Many will read this and understand that one decision they have to make. Few will answer that call. This book has impacted me a great deal. Ever since finishing this book, whatever I read has been along the same theme of this book, much like it’s calling me more and more with each passing day. While I cannot go into much details now, I know something is coming. What? No idea. When? No idea. Where? No idea. So I wait.

I recently made that post on Facebook for my friends and this morning I was reading one of my plans in the Bible app and the devotional was entitled “In God’s School”. A portion of the text reads:

Don’t be impatient. Don’t move before God leads. Accept his training and his timing. Meanwhile, your vision, though it may burn inside you, will enable you to endure the wait, because you know it’s worth it to get it right.

Vision always precedes preparation. Initially, your vision will exceed your competency. Within the context of that tension, God will go to work on you.

Andy Stanley – Visioneering

So here I am, waiting, listening, and following. Right now all that I am doing to help fulfill the vision is constant practice and daily surrender.

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